Monday 5 January 2009

It's still happening

I know, it's been a long time since my last (and first) post. My excuse - making the most of being able/allowed to get drunk and to be lazy in the build up to Christmas and new year. With all of that bollocks over and done with, the trip to Everest is feeling very near indeed. The next 3 months are going to fly by.

The fitness regime takes a giant leap forward from here on. No more booze for a start (apart from 3 wildcards that I'm allowing myself, the first being a 3 day bender in a couple of weeks), no more fags, less chips, more salad blah blah blah.

To the fitness -

Darts - the dart board is now firmly up on the wall, a picture of some prick that I used to live with stuck to the front. Amazing how much more power I have in my arm after just a few days.

TV channel changing - I now keep the remote control on the coffee table instead of next to me on the sofa. The stretching is really improving my core strength.

Lift at work - I've stopped using the lift and I now walk down the stairs (not up). My office is on the 1st floor.

A bloody admirable start I'm sure you'll all agree.

Any way, better go now as the laptop is starting to hurt my legs, it's so damn heavy!

I promise to keep this updated with my progress more often from now on.



White-Pages said...

ha ha - gold

tooveseverest said...

I also find the dipping of corn-chip into salsa provides some excellent bicep curling